In previous activities we've learned how to use Python to simulate physical systems and to fit datasets to physical models. Rather than hosting another activity, this page will host and describe a generic two-dimensional data fitting module that can be used to produce quality fits and plots to a wide range of datasets and models.
There are several example data files. You should download at least one of them. Once your script is working, it should be simple to switch out one data file for another. Along with each data file, there is a corresponding fitting_function that needs to be coded up in your Python script.
Data 1 -- \( y = \exp(-x/a) \left[ 1 - (x/b)^2 + (x/c)^3 \right] \)
Data 2 -- \( y = x^2 \sin(b x + c) + d \)
Data 3 -- \( y = a \sin(b x + c) + d \)
Data 4 -- \( y = a \sin(b x) + c \cos(d x) \)
Make sure to download at least one of these files and save it to the same folder you saved the file.
After you've downloaded the DataClass file, open up a new, blank, Python file. This will be your script with which you load in and fit the data. Before you start coding, change the "Working Directory" in Canopy to the folder where you saved the file. Once you've changed your working directory, complete the following steps to finish your program:
import DataClass
import numpy as np
def func(x,a,b,c):
return a*x*x + b*x + c
In the lines below your fitting function definition will be the commands to instantiate a Data object that holds your data.
data = DataClass.Data(filename,func)
On the next line call the statistics method of data. This will print out some simple statistics such as mean and range of the data.
Finally, call the fit_data method of data. This will fit the data to your fitting function and plot the results. Check the definition of fit_data in the file to check for any arguments it might take.
Now you can execute the script. If all goes well you should see a plot pop up displaying the data and the fit to the data. An example of what you should see is,
Now that you have a working data fitter, try passing different keyword arguments to data.fit_data() to change properties of the plot. Some examples of what you can change are: